Friday, April 23, 2010

Zynga Games ALL Ebooks and BOTS

Farmville Secrets Download E-Book

All the secrets of excelling quickly and enormously in the facebook game farmville

Type................: eBook
Pages...............: 53
Language............: ENGLiSH
Format..............: PDF


And 3rd Farmville E-Book

Farmville Secrets The Best Kept Secrets Revealed

Since this guide caters for all players, we will start slow to make sure all the basics are fully covered. If you are confident in your skills as a Farmville player, feel free to skip to the more advanced strategies later on in the guide and come back to earlier parts for reference.

Filename: FVSecrets
Filesize: 5 MB



Cafe World Bot 1.0

What can CafeWorldBot do?
1) Cook fast cooking meals.
2) Prepare a dish.
3) Add the ingredients.
4) Serve your dishes.
5) Clean the stones.
6) Help Neighbors!!!!
7) Auto sell!!!
8) Buzz rating will up when you use autosell
If you want to earn more coins in this game, you will need a lot of dishes to cook and serve visitors. The best way to increase your level is cooking dishes that are cooked quickly. Then you must submit them to visitors of your coffee and do cleaning. This is the fastest way to increase your level of experience in the game.
So you should always decide what to cook, cook it, and wait for it to be ready, then place a dish on the table of visitors of your cafe, then do cleaning and repeat this procedure again and again. It is the only way to earn experience and coins in this game. This means that you will need to do a lot of work over your computer and make a thousand clicks. CafeWorldBot can do it for you. It is very easy to use it.






FishVille Secrets & Sand Dollars Report

The Ultimate FishVille Guru Shares the Secret Tactics. You Can Use Legally and Dominate Your Way to the Top of the Game, Growing Your Fish and Tanks at Light Speed.

Plus: This add-on alone has easily made me more than 580 Sand Dollars in 3 days!



Cafe World Cheats, Tips & Hacks

The latest of Zynga franchise follows hotly off Mafia Wars and Farmville. In just a week, Cafe World has already hit 10 million users in just a week on Facebook. If you have not play Cafe World, you can start here by going to Zynga. It is kind of like an Iron Chef in a way where your mission is to cook, bake, saute your way to the top in the culinary profession. Well, like every game, once I started playing for a long enough time, there is a tendency to start wanting to find short cuts or cheat your way through the game. Having experience in previous Zynga games, I know that it is quite possible that whatever Cafe World cheats that has been discovered, it would be quickly followed up by Zynga to close the loophole since it would make it less fun for people when the game is way too easy and there would be not too much play value left

Most of the hacks require you to use Cheat Engine version 5.5. It should really be attempted by only people who are familar with the process and hopefully watching the many videos posted by users on YouTube will help people understand how to hack and cheat using Cheat Engine. Also, there has been some reports that people can get banned by Zynga for cheating. But I don't really see why they should since they would only lose users who would then just play something else or be smart about the accounts they use on Facebook. So, if you got banned because you use cheated in Cafe World, please leave a comment.

Cafe World Cheat Engine 5.5 Speed Hack
Researching more on the web, it seems like Cheat Engine is again one of the de facto way to do a quick hack into the game. Like the other cheats in Farmville and Mafia Wars, you can do a speed hack by using Cheat Engine to change the speed.

Cafe World Unlimited Chairs and Table Hack
Today, I am going to show you how to hack tables and chairs on cafe world, for this hack to work, you need four tables that are the same and four chairs that are the same. This hack is similar to the stock hack but works in a different way, you must have no more than 4 tables and no less than 4 tables, The values cannot be change and the end value must be 1. If you mess up and decide to change the values, then the game will crash! For this to work, you need a web browser with Mozilla being the best one. You need Cheat Engine 5.5.

Here is the video that teaches you that, but you might want to scroll all the way to the 3rd minute if you are alredy quite an expert in cheat engine

A tip was left there as well, so that when you are out of food and in the process of cooking some more, revmoe your door. This will cause the buzz fating to freeze and no customers will be waiting around. After the food is cooked and served, do not clean your oven. Removing it and bringing it back again will result in no coins being deducted.

The Infinite Stove hack
This is a Cafe World Cheat that allows you to obtain unlimited stove.

Some of this hack will actually not work once you refresh the game. Again, Zynga is very quick to shut down any loop holes by fixing the application and their server syncing. So, please leave a comment if something is not working so our readers will not waste time trying.

New Working Farmville Cheats

Hi everybody,

As usual my post will be about farmville cheats. To those who are new to my blog, Let me inform you that this blog only served as diary for my personal experience about different kinds of tricks in the game. I don’t post the actual cheat codes / guides. If you want to know more about the guides and tricks that I mentioned I put a link at the end of this post. Anyways, after my last post regarding the latest and working farmville cheats, I’ll be honest that even though I found the guides to be working it did not stop me to look for recent farmville cheat.

I believe that this month of December up to January, february, March or maybe the whole 2010, the demand for farmville cheats will still increase.

On my last post I recommended a guide that works for me and my friends. I actually used it and it works like a charm. But as i have said earlier I have searched for more sites that offers farmville cheat. After days of searching I found this site which appeals to me. The main reason it intrigues me is that it offers the same guide that I mentioned on my previous post but it offers two more guides on one package. Meaning, you will get 3 guides in one package.

So my curiosity got me, I acquired the package and I was very pleased with what it offers. The guide that I recommended on my last post is actually included on the package Plus it includes 2 more farmville guides that is very popular and I can say in demand on the internet. Although the guides are similar in terms of the tricks and tips being discussed I think this one is a must have if you are serious to level up quickly and you want to earn farmville cash (fv cash) and farmville coins fast and easy with minimal work.

The Farmville cheat Package contains proven updated and latest cheats that actually works. I shared the ebook to my neice and after a couple of weeks she catch up with me in terms of level and farmville cash. She says the the guides helped her to level up quickly on farmville and very satisfied with the result.

Anyways, I think that’s all for now. I’ll just post again in case I found a new farmville cheats that works and hopefully I’ll find tricks and tips for this game on facebook that will make our farming real easy and enjoyable.

By the way I also found cheats on cafe world and I’m thinking I’ll post it here on my next blog. YES… I’m also a cafe world addict so I have this cafe world cheats that is hanging around my pc. :)

Thats All Folks. Have a nice day and happy farming.

You can click here to check out the guides I’m talking about (Link removed, please check my recent post)

One last thing… I thought I’ll add this important note that a couple of my friends got tempted to use this farmville bot or software that will automatically harvest, plow and help your neighbor. There are several software out there but most of it are infected with virus. the computer of my friend got hacked after installing one of there software. and my other friend got banned from farmville since using bots or software to do the farming for you is indeed against Terms of service of Zynga and Facebook. So If you are thinking of using these kind of automatic farmer, You should be careful…

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Farmville Screen Shot – Using Farmville Cheats

Hello My dear Friends,

First of all let me greet you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Last week I asked my niece and a couple of my friends who used the farmville cheats that i have mentioned on my previous post to capture a screen shot / picture of their farm for me to see the improvements of their farm.

Today, I received an email from my niece and one of my friends with the picture of their farm.

Here’s the Screen shot of my friend Flor. I’m not expecting to see an empty farm after he used the farmville cheats but after seeing the coins, experience and level, I can’t deny that the guides works.

This next screen shot is from my 14 year old niece Christie. I laugh out loud when I saw the 4 villa was built side by side. I guess she can’t think of what to do with her farmville money at the moment. (perhaps she just put it there just to impress me

That’s all for now, I’ll update my blog again if I receive more screen shots from my friends and relatives. If you are wondering on what Farmville Guides they have used, you can check my previous post in this blog to know more about it, or you can CLICK HERE to check it out. (link removed)

Happy Farming and enjoy the game..

More Farmville Pictures Using Farmville Cheats

Hello everybody, I hope everyone is fine. Before I proceed writing this post,let me inform the first timer here that this blog only serves as diary for me and people I know (friends, relatives) about what is working farmville cheats and what are the cheats on farmville that is not working. All recomendations here are based on my experience and suggestion from those who actually used it. From my previous posts I list some of the working cheats and hope some of the readers here find it useful. If you are a first time visitor here, I suggest you read the posts I made in past since you will get some helpful info there. But if you are here just for the main reason of finding a working farmville cheats, PLEASE CLICK HERE to check out the current updated and working farmville cheat that I know. (Link removed, Please check my latest post for updated working farmville cheats)

Anyway, I decided to make this quick post since I received an email from my niece Christie and a girl named joanne and both of them attached a screenshot of their farm. To those who have already been here in my blog probably seen the farm of my neice (please refer to my previous post. Joanne though is a reader of my blog that posted a comment a couple of weeks before that she just acquired the farmville guide and mentioned and she will report back if it’s working or not.

So without much ado here’s the screenshots.

The first is the farm of my niece. As you have seen in my previous post that her old farmville picture is a mess. Although she got a lot of money and villa I can say it is very unorganized, that’s why when I received this picture I was amazed. Basically the money is less, farmville cash is a bit more and her level is now 60 plus.

The next Farmville screenshot is from our reader and her picture was taken after using the guides for 2 weeks.